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2024-06-10 07:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

研究方向       主要从事交通风险评估与智能网联汽车、交通行为、动态交通路网建模以及交通规划与管理等基础及前沿课题研究工作。主要研究成果

      主参编3本外文专著,在交通运输工程领域高水平期刊Transportation Research Part A、IEEE Transactions on ITS、Transportmetrica B、JAT,和国际会议上发表发表论文51篇,其中SCI(第一或通讯作者)检索论文12篇,EI收录检索论文23篇;获第十四届ITS World Congress(世界交通大会)最佳学术论文一等奖。在交通运输工程领极具影响力的高等级学术会议ISTTT发表论文并做大会报告。参加20余次国际会议,并宣读了研究成果。3次入选同济大学青年英才计划(培育2011,优青2012,骨干2015),2013年获同济大学阖家齐飞模范家庭称号。





1. Li, H., P.H.L. Bovy, G. Hooghiemstra (2007) Probabilistic properties of stochastic choice set generation. Delft University of Technology. TRAIL Studies in Transportation Science. No. S2007/1.

Book Chapters:

1. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer, P.H.L. Bovy (2009) An integrated dynamic road network design approach with stochastic networks. In: Rudy R. Negenborn, Zofia Lukszo, Hans Hellendoorn (Eds.) Intelligent Infrastructures. Publisher: Springer.

2. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer and P.H.L. Bovy (2009) Reliability-based Dynamic Discrete Network Design with Stochastic Networks. In Lam, W.H.K., S. C. Wong and H. K. Lo (Eds.) Transportation and Traffic Theory 2009: Golden Jubilee. pp. 651-673. Publisher: Springer US.

3. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer, P.H.L. Bovy and H.J. van Zuylen (2008) A reliability-based dynamic network design approach. 10th International TRAIL Congress selected papers: Trail in Perspective. pp. 159-174. Series No. P2008/1.

4. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer and P.H.L. Bovy (2006) Network reliability-based optimal toll design. 9th International TRAIL Congress selected papers: Trail in Motion. pp.161-180. Series No. P2006/1.

5. Li, H. and H. Tu. A Generalized Approach on Departure Time Choice Behavior under Uncertainty: A Comparison to the Scheduling Approach. In Tu, H. and Pel, A.J. (Eds.) Emergency Transport Management: Joint Chinese-Dutch Seminar on Transportation Management and Travel Behaviour for Urban Emergencies: Past, Present, and Future Research. 2014. Shanghai, P. R. China: Trail Research School. pp. 63-70. (ISBN: 978-90-78271-08-6).

SCI Indexed:

1. Li, H., Gao, K., Tu, H*. (2017) Variations in mode-specific valuations of travel time reliability and in-vehicle crowding: Implications for demand estimation. Transportation research part A. Vol. 103, pp. 250-263.

2. Li, H., H. Tu, N. Zhang. (2017) Travel time variations over time and routes: Endogenous congestion with degradable capacities. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp.60-81.

3. Li, H., H. Tu, D. Hensher. (2016) Integrating the Mean-Variance and Scheduling Approaches to allow for Schedule delay and Trip Time Variability under Uncertainty. Transportation research part A. Vol. 89, pp. 151-163.

4. Li, H., Gao, K., Tu, H., Ding, Y., Sun, L. (2016) Perceptions of Mode-specific Travel Time Reliability and Crowding in Multimodal Trips. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol.2566. pp.22-30.

5. Gao, K., Sun, L., Tu, H., Li, H. (2018) Heterogeneity in Valuation of Travel Time Reliability and In-Vehicle Crowding for Mode Choices in Multimodal Networks. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING PART A-SYSTEMS.144(10):04018061.

6. Tu, H., Zhenfei, Li, H. Li, Ke, Zhang and L. Sun. (2015). Driving Simulator Fidelity and Emergency Driving Behavior. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2518, pp. 113–121.

7. Tu, H., H. Li, Y. Wang, and L. Sun, When to Control the Ramps on Freeway Corridors? A Novel Stability-and-Mfd-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014. Vol.15(6): p. 2572-2582.

8. Tu, H., H. Li, H. van Lint, V. Knoop, and L. Sun (2013) Macroscopic Travel Time Reliability Diagrams for Freeway Networks. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2396, pp.19-27.

9. Tu, H., H. Li, H. van Lint, H. van Zuylen (2012). Modeling travel time reliability of freeways using risk assessment techniques. Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 46, pp. 1528-1540. 15

10. Tu, H., A. J. Pel, H. Li, and L. Sun (2012), Travel Time Reliability during Evacuation: the Impact of Heterogeneous Driving Behavior. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol 2312. p.128-133.

11. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer and P.H.L. Bovy (2009) Modeling departure time choice with stochastic networks involved in network design. Transportation Research Record (TRR). Vol. 2091, pp. 61-69. 10

12. Li, H., M.C.J. Bliemer and P.H.L. Bovy (2008) Network reliability-based optimal toll design. Journal of Advanced Transportation 42(3): 311-332. 14






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